2019 Medicare/Coding Webinar

Tuesday & Wednesday, March 26 and 27, 2018
Featuring KSEPS' Coding Consultant Joy Newby


Once again based on popular demand, KSEPS is pleased to continue our annual Coding and Medicare Workshops. . . a LIVE webinar!  Not only do you not have to drive to the meeting site, but you can have as many people at your location watch for one registration.  This will save you money and offers the opportunity for more members of your staff to benefit from the critical information shared during the seminar.

Here's how it works --

  • The complete Coding and Medicare workshop material will be presented, but it will be split into two sessions of 2 hours each.
    • Session 1 will be on Tuesday afternoon, March 26 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
    • Session 2 will be on Wednesday morning, March 27 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
  • We will record each session.  If you register for the live webinar, you can request the recording after the live sessions are presented for a nominal additional charge.
  • If you cannot attend the live webinar, you can purchase just the recording for the same price as if you attended "live."
  • During the live sessions, you will be able to ask questions of Joy Newby as the session progresses.  Realizing that some of you look forward to the opportunity to discuss issues specific to your practice, we'll have a means for you to submit those questions so Joy can respond directly to you after the webinar.


Coding Topics You Won't Want to Miss... 

  • 2019 CPT Changes
  • Eye Code vs E/M Code
  • E/M Documentation Changes
  • Tips for Scribes
  • OIG Workplan

Plus...we will have the ability for you to get answers for your questions! Each registration will receive information-packed reference materials.

About Your Instructor...

Joy Newby has developed a true following among ophthalmology office managers, insurance billing staff and physicians in a number of Midwestern states.  She is president of Newby Consulting, Inc., a practice management consulting firm based in Indianapolis.  A recognized expert in Medicare coding, she serves the state ophthalmology societies in multiple states, as well as numerous individual physician practices and medical centers.

Joy also serves as an ongoing Medicare and coding consultant for KSEPS and manages our coding help desk.  Through this program, KSEPS members are able to get their coding questions answered by submitting a "help form."  A personalized answer will be provided, usually within a few days.

Who Should Participate...

  • Anybody with responsibility for filing claims or documenting charts
  • Office managers
  • Insurance billing staff
  • Ophthalmologists (really!) or optometrists employed in an ophthalmology practice
  • Residents & Fellows in training -- Hey... you're going to need to know this stuff when you start practicing!


Session 1 - Tuesday afternoon, March 26 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Session 2 - Wednesday morning, March 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Note -- This workshop is being presented in two parts.  Session 2 is not a "repeat" of Session 1.


Our online registration is now available!  

LIVE webinars - CLICK HERE

Recording only - CLICK HERE

Paying by check?  Download a paper registration form (PDF format) 


  • KSEPS Members (including employees of a member)
    • Live Webinar - $150 per location (i.e., per log-in)
    • Add a recording - $25 additional
  • Residents/Fellows
    • Live Webinar - $50 per location (i.e., per log-in)
    • Add a recording - $25 additional
  • Non-members
    • Live webinar - $300 per location (i.e., per log-in)
    • Add a recording - $50 additional
    • KSEPS member - $150
    • Resident/Fellow - $50
    • Non-member - $300

Registrations for the live webinar are for each log-in.  We don't care how many people you have viewing the webinar on the computer logged-in.  Please note that the log-in link you will receive is unique and will permit only one connection at a time.  If you have folks who want to participate at more than one location (such as multiple offices), you must have separate log-ins.  You'll receive complete instructions a few days before the webinar.

If you purchase the recording only, a link to the recording along with the seminar handouts will be sent to you after the live webinar within about two weeks.

Refund Policy -- Registrants who cancel the live webinar registration at least by March 20 will be entitled to a full refund less a $25 processing fee.  If you are unable to attend at all, you may convert your live webinar registration to a recording. Please contact us as soon as possible after the live webinar to make this request.  (We will first verify that your log-in was not used.)  

About the Program

This is a comprehensive presentation divided into two sessions.  It is the same material that normally is presented in the full-day in-person workshops we've offered in the past.  Your instructor will provide a detailed review of coding issues for ophthalmology.  Policies and procedures covered will be Kansas-specific.  Handout materials will be mailed to each contact person registered before the webinar.

Be sure to have your CPT coding manual handy.

Neither of the speakers or the companies they represent are employed or endorsed by Kansas Medicare, Medicaid, AdminiStar Federal, Inc., the American Medical Association or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  The materials provided with these workshops are not official Medicare documents, nor are they meant to replace such items.

Approval has been requested from the American Academy of Professional Coders for 4 Continuing Education Units.  Granting of this approval in no way constitutes endorsement by the AAPC of the program, content, or the program sponsor.  Also, we have applied for JCAHPO credit for this program.  Details for continuing education credits will be provided during the workshop.


Contact KSEPS toll-free at 800/838-3627 or by email:  [email protected]



Last Updated on Sunday, March 10, 2019 05:19 PM